휴대용 진동측정기 VM330D

휴대형 진동측정기 VM330D
The MTN/VM330D is a compact, rechargeable, portable handheld Vibration Meter designed to conform to
ISO10816-3 and operate with a constant current accelerometer providing an accurate vibration measurement.
Features comprise of the ability to store and transfer to PC up to 100 time-stamped readings, including; RMS, peak, peak-peak, crest factor and bearing conditions all on an easy to read vibrant colour LCD display.
주) VM110 Model은 단종되었습니다.
(주)에스앤시인터내셔널 ​031-711-0610
rayshim@naver.com www.monitran.co.kr



이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Shim Plate - Rayshim

Monitran 진동센서 MTN/2285CQ/0483